Course curriculum

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    • Video Introduction "Working from a Place of Rest"

    • Plan of the Workshop

    • Video Introduction "Be Still"

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    Chapter One

    • Activity 01 "Definitions of Spirituality"

    • Video Guide 01

    • Video 01 "What is Spirituality?"

    • Audio 01 "Visualization"

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    Chapter Two

    • Video Guide 02

    • Video 02 "Desires, Identity, Belonging and Significance"

    • Activity 02a "6 Streams of Spirituality"

    • Activity 02b "A Conscious Walk"

    • Audio 02 "Prayer of Surrender"

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    Chapter Three

    • Video Guide 03

    • Video 03 "Working from a Place of Rest"

    • Activity 03a "The times when Jesus said NO"

    • Activity 03b "Practising the Presence of God"

    • Audio 03 "Contemplative Prayer"

    • Support Documents Chapter Three

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    Chapter Four

    • Video Guide 04

    • Video 04 "Rythms of Life and Priorities"

    • Activity 04a "Priorities in Life"

    • Activity 04b "Weekly Schedule"

    • Activity 04c "Use of Time"

    • Audio 04 "Daily Examen"

    • Support documents Chapter 4

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    Chapter Five

    • Video Guide 05

    • Video 05 "Solitude and Silence"

    • Activity 05 "Seeking Silence and Solitude"

    • Audio 05 "Lectio Divina"

    • Support documents Chapter 5

    • Evaluation