Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter One

    • Plan of the Workshop

    • Video "Introduction"

    • Video Guide 01

    • Video 01 "Origin of the Word Mentor"

    • Activity 01 Definitions

    • Video Guide 02

    • Video 02 "Definitions"

  • 2

    Chapter Two

    • Activity 02 Mentors in my Life

    • Video Guide 03

    • Video 03 "Formal vs Informal"

    • Video Guide 04

    • Video 04 "Biblical Basis for Mentoring"

    • Video Guide 05

    • Video 05 "Effective Mentoring Environments"

    • Chapter 2 Support Documents

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    Chapter Three

    • Activity 03a "Why do Leaders need Mentors?"

    • Video Guide 06

    • Video 06 "Why do Leaders Need Mentors?"

    • Video 07 "Mentoring Young People"

    • Activity 03b "Why do Young People need Mentors?"

    • Chapter 3 Support Documents

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    Chapter Four

    • Video Guide 08

    • Video 08 "The Johari Window"

    • Video Guide 09

    • Video 09 "Conversation Skills 1"

    • Activity 04a Specific Questions

    • Video Guide 10

    • Video 10 "Conversation Skills 2"

    • Activity 04b Traffic Lights

    • Chapter 4 Support Documents

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    Chapter Five

    • Video Guide 11

    • Video 11 "Tools for Planning"

    • Activity 05a Planning and Evaluation

    • Activity 05b Personal Development Plan

    • Video Guide 12

    • Video 12 "More Mentoring Tools"

    • Video Guide 13

    • Video 13 "Final Question and Challenge"

    • Activity 05c Personal Reflection and Evaluation

    • Chapter 5 Support Documents